Only Non-Toxic "LIQUI-FIRE" Thaws Frozen Pipes Safely   

#1 in the industry since 1993 because customers who used it are happy to recommend it.

We use the most trusted and secure online bank to process most major credit cards.

No account is required and we NEVER see your private information.

Note: You can increase or decrease your order inside the online bank.  Less than a box of 6 are available in multiples of 2's.


Woodsmans International pays all shipping in North America via UPS Worldship Expedited  Ground  SHIPPING.


* Credit Card Users * click, "Do not have a PayPal account"  Now you can use your credit card.






Suggested Retail $ 24.99

Détaillants canadiens français commander ici


Read details of the 2013 Price Schedule

Since 1993 - consumers ask for Liqui-Fire by name.

Suggested Retail $ 24.99 per bottle.

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Last modified: 08/01/18 

Pipes freeze everywhere; in walls, in floors, inside, outside and even underground.  It would be great if your pipes never froze, wouldn't it?  But sooner or later it pipes freeze.  And now that pipes come in a wide range of materials such as lead pipe, black iron pipe, galvanized steel pipe, copper, polybutylene, chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipe, cross linked polyethylene, ABS, PVC, Pex, etc.  How can you keep up with it all?

"LIQUI-FIRE" makes it easy to thaw ALL PIPE regardless what types of pipes you have.  Using it is simple.  Just pour it into the frozen water or sewer pipe.  That's it.  Now go and enjoy doing something you like.  Liqui-Fire is working.

"LIQUI-FIRE" is safe for drinking water pipes and sewage pipe.  It's environment friendly!

* Retailers * A purchase order number, or any other information for invoicing and tracking can be added as a comment to your order once inside the secure banking website.

If you need assistance to order online, one of our bonded staff will gladly assist you.

* Note: You can order multiple cases or bottles simply by changing the number inside the online banking site.


Store Owners:  Here is a printable flyer to assist your customers and sales, choose one here:   Grayscale Flyer  Coloured Flyer

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Then simply fill in your information using any major credit card.   We never see your card information ever.  Thank you!


Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw is available in the United States and Canada where the names below are green.


In Canada Liqui-Fire is available in:
Alberta Newfoundland & Labrador Ontario Yukon
British Columbia Northwest Territories Prince Edward Island  
Manitoba Nova Scotia Quebec  
New Brunswick Nunavut Saskatchewan  
In the United States of America Liqui-Fire is available in every state except Hawaii.
AL - Alabama IN - Indiana NE - Nebraska SC - South Carolina
AK - Alaska IA - Iowa NV - Nevada SD - South Dakota
AZ - Arizona KS - Kansas NH - New Hampshire TN - Tennessee
AR - Arkansas KY - Kentucky NJ - New Jersey TX - Texas
CA - California LA - Louisiana NM - New Mexico UT - Utah
CO - Colorado ME - Maine NY - New York VT - Vermont
CT - Connecticut MD - Maryland NC - North Carolina VA - Virginia
DE - Delaware MA - Massachusetts ND - North Dakota WA - Washington
FL - Florida MI - Michigan OH - Ohio WV - West Virginia
GA - Georgia MN - Minnesota OK - Oklahoma WI - Wisconsin
HI - Hawaii MS - Mississippi OR - Oregon WY - Wyoming
ID - Idaho MO - Missouri PA - Pennsylvania  
IL - Illinois MT - Montana RI - Rhode Island  


Click on the blue test above or the image below for the Order Desk or Customer Service.


Customer Service                                        Order Desk     .

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Last modified: 08/01/18

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dernière modification 08/01/18